Cual no es un mes del ano?

I just need to know what that says, its a multiple choice question but I cant translate it right and If i could just know what the question was right I could get the answer myself.

Which is not a month of the year?



The question "Cual no es un mes del ano?" translates to "Which is not a month of the year?" in English. It is a multiple-choice question asking you to identify the month that does not belong to the set of all months in a year. To find the correct answer, you need to know the names of all the months in Spanish and assess which option does not fit. Here are the names of the months in Spanish:

- enero (January)
- febrero (February)
- marzo (March)
- abril (April)
- mayo (May)
- junio (June)
- julio (July)
- agosto (August)
- septiembre (September)
- octubre (October)
- noviembre (November)
- diciembre (December)

By referring to this list, you can identify the option that does not match any of the month names and select it as the correct answer.