whats a really good way to start a conclusion paragraph??

What is Your essay about first of all?

i have to compare the fear of witches in the crucible to the fear of communist in McCarthyism.



To start a conclusion paragraph effectively, you can follow these steps:

1. Summarize main points: Begin by briefly summarizing the main points or arguments you have made in your essay or paper. This will remind the reader of the key ideas discussed.

2. Restate thesis statement: Next, restate your thesis statement in a different way. Avoid simply copying the thesis word-for-word, but rather rephrase or reemphasize the main idea from your introduction.

3. Final thoughts: Offer some final thoughts or reflections on the topic. You can highlight the significance or implications of your arguments, provide a broader context, or offer a personal opinion if it is appropriate for your writing style.

4. Call to action or closing sentence: Consider including a call to action or a thought-provoking statement to leave a lasting impression on the reader. This can encourage further reflection or action related to the topic.

Remember to keep your conclusion concise and focused, typically consisting of 3-5 sentences. Avoid introducing new information or arguments in this final paragraph.

By following these guidelines, you can create a strong and impactful conclusion paragraph for your writing.