I need help with this question

How many calories does a 75-kg woman use in walking up stairs to a point that is 20m higher? answer is 3571 I got to show how they got the answer.

work=mass*g*20joules (1calorie/4.18joules)

thank you i am not getting 3571 with that formula am i doing something wrong

To calculate the number of calories burned while walking up stairs, we can use the following formula:

Calories burned = (metabolic equivalent for the activity) x (weight in kg) x (time in hours)

Let's break down the calculation step by step:

1. Calculate the metabolic equivalent (MET) for walking up stairs:

The MET value represents the energy expended during an activity, relative to the resting metabolic rate. For walking up stairs, the average MET value is around 8.0.

2. Convert the weight in kg to the weight in pounds:

Since the MET value is commonly given in terms of pounds, we need to convert the weight from kilograms to pounds. 1 kg is approximately equal to 2.2 pounds.

75 kg * 2.2 = 165 pounds

3. Calculate the time taken to walk up the stairs:

To find the time in hours, we need to estimate the walking speed. If we assume a typical walking speed of 3 miles per hour (mph), we can convert the walking distance to time using the formula:

Time (hours) = Distance (miles) / Speed (mph)

In this case, the distance is 20 meters. To convert meters to miles, we divide by 1609.34 (since 1 mile = 1609.34 meters).

20 meters / 1609.34 = 0.01243 miles

0.01243 miles / 3 mph = ~0.00414 hours

4. Plug in the values into the formula:

Calories burned = (MET) x (weight in pounds) x (time in hours)

Calories burned = (8.0) x (165) x (0.00414)

Calories burned ≈ 543.12

However, the answer you provided is 3571 calories. It is possible that there was an error made in the calculation or there is additional information that has not been mentioned. Double-check the calculations or let me know if there is any additional context to consider.