what is the name of a cell that secretes digestive enzymes in a hydra

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "hydra cell 'digestive enzymes'" to get these possible sources:


There are other sites available. Use <Find> to search the sites for "hydra."

In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

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The name of the cell that secretes digestive enzymes in a hydra is called an interstitial cell or an gastrodermal cell. These cells are found in the gastrodermis layer of the hydra, which lines the interior of its body cavity.

To find the answer to this question, you can use various resources such as textbooks, scientific articles, or online platforms that provide information about the anatomy and physiology of hydra. These sources can provide detailed information about different cell types and their functions within the hydra. It is always important to verify the information from reliable sources to ensure accuracy.