I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or any type of thesis statements I could use for the following essay topic:

Discuss women in Othello- Desdemona, emilia, Bianca- from the point of Adrienne rich. In what ways is each a victim of patriarchy?

I thought I would spend a paragraph on each women saying how they are a victim of patriarchy. I feel that Rich thinks women shouldn't be submissive to their husbands but should wake up, break the mold, and be independent.

any ideas?

I agree! You have a good idea! You might tie that in to the idea in Shakespeare's day that women were regarded as property and , thank heavens, things have changed. Good luck with your essay.

Certainly! To develop strong thesis statements for your essay on the topic of women in Othello, taking inspiration from Adrienne Rich's perspective on patriarchy, you may consider the following ideas.

Thesis Statement: Desdemona, as a victim of patriarchy, is portrayed as an idealized embodiment of the submissive woman; her unquestioning devotion to her husband ultimately leads to her tragic fate.
Explanation: Provide examples from the play, such as Desdemona's obedience to her father's wishes in marrying Othello and her unwavering loyalty to him, despite his growing doubts and suspicions. Discuss the consequences of Desdemona adhering to patriarchal norms.

Thesis Statement: Emilia, as a victim of patriarchy, undergoes a transformation from a passive wife to a voice of rebellion, revealing the oppressive nature of male dominance and advocating for female empowerment.
Explanation: Discuss how Emilia's transition occurs throughout the play, using evidence from her bold confrontation with her husband Iago and her eventual defiance in revealing his malicious schemes. Analyze the ways in which Emilia's initial compliance with patriarchy becomes her catalyst for challenging it.

Thesis Statement: Bianca, as a victim of patriarchy, exemplifies the societal labeling of women as objects of desire and shows how this perception leads to marginalization and exploitation.
Explanation: Explore how Bianca is portrayed as a courtesan, constantly objectified and considered lower in status than the other female characters. Discuss how her actions and struggles shed light on the limited roles dictated by patriarchy, how she is used and manipulated by male characters.

Remember to support your thesis statements with relevant evidence from the play, and incorporate Adrienne Rich's ideas on patriarchy to further strengthen your arguments. Additionally, make sure to acknowledge and address any counterarguments that may arise from alternative interpretations.