I have to do a presentation for Latin on Catullus 45 (a poem with Acme and Septimius). Any tips for presenting and what to say?

How about using a collage of images representing this love story?

It might be a good idea to explore the names--Septimius and Acme, one a traditional Roman name, the other Greek. Is there an issue of differing class? What words in the poem clarify the class distinctions? With a name like 'Acme' who or what is she likely to be? What are the chances for a long term relationship? Is Septimius feeding Acme a line? How innocent is Acme supposed to be? How seriously are we supposed to take a word like 'fidelis'? (Is this poem a conceit?) What does Amor have to do with this relationship? Is he 'the devil that made them do it? ...a go-between? How does time matter? (Why 'ut ante'?) Look at the sound of the words, especially the M sounds near the end of the poem. What is Catullus suggesting with these sounds? Why does Venus appear in the last line? Is she the clmax of some idea Catullus is developing through the poem? Does the poem have a structure? Is there a progression of ideas or images that lead somewhere?

In short, ask yourself as many questions as you can and all sorts of ideas will come to mind.

When preparing for a presentation on Catullus 45, a poem featuring Acme and Septimius, there are a few tips to help you deliver an engaging and informative presentation:

1. Understand the poem: Before diving into your presentation, it is important to thoroughly comprehend the poem itself. Read it multiple times, taking note of its structure, tone, and key themes.

2. Conduct research: Dig deeper into the historical context and background of the poem. Learn about Catullus, the Roman poet, and the cultural and literary influences of that era. Investigate the characters of Acme and Septimius to better understand their significance within the poem.

3. Analyze the poem's structure: Explore the poem's form, rhyme scheme, and meter. Identify any literary devices or poetic techniques employed by Catullus, such as alliteration, enjambment, or symbolism. Pay attention to the flow and rhythm of the poem.

4. Interpret the meaning: Consider the themes, emotions, and ideas conveyed within the poem. Reflect upon the relationship dynamics between Acme and Septimius and how they contribute to the overall meaning. Examine any underlying messages or symbolism present in the poem.

5. Prepare an outline: Organize your presentation by creating an outline. Divide it into sections like introduction, historical context, analysis of poetic elements, interpretation of the poem, and conclusion. This structure will ensure a clear and logical flow to your presentation.

6. Engage the audience: Begin your presentation with a brief introduction, capturing the attention of your audience. Provide context on Catullus and his significance in Latin literature. During your analysis, explain specific lines or stanzas that stand out and discuss their meaning. Use visual aids like slides or handouts to enhance understanding.

7. Offer historical context: Briefly introduce the time period and social context in which Catullus wrote his poetry. Highlight any cultural or political events that might have influenced his work, and discuss how his poems fit into the larger literary landscape of the time.

8. Analyze literary elements: Explore the poem's structure, rhyme, meter, and language. Discuss Catullus's use of wordplay, rhetorical devices, and imagery to create meaning. Provide examples from the poem to support your analysis.

9. Interpret the poem: Share your interpretation of the poem's themes, emotions, and message. Discuss the relationship between Acme and Septimius and how it reflects broader ideas or issues. Consider alternative interpretations and present arguments to support your viewpoint.

10. Conclude with a summary: Recap the key points of your presentation, highlighting the main analysis and interpretation of Catullus 45. Leave the audience with a thoughtful closing remark or question to encourage further discussion.

Remember, a successful presentation not only relies on a comprehensive understanding of the poem but also on your ability to effectively communicate that understanding to your audience. Practice your presentation multiple times to build confidence and ensure a smooth delivery.