Combien de personnes y a-t-il dans votre famille?

How would you answer if i have 4 members (including me) in my family?

is it: Il y a quatre personnes dans ma famille?

And is " Ma mere s'appelle ____. Elle est....." a correct way to start?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum again. You could also say "Nous sommes quatre dans la famille." As for the 2nd part: Ma mère s'appelle + her name. I'm not sure what you wanted to say after "Elle est..." (she is..."


Yes, your answer is correct. You can say "Il y a quatre personnes dans ma famille" to indicate that there are four people in your family, including yourself.

And yes, starting with "Ma mère s'appelle ____. Elle est..." is a correct way to introduce your mother. Just remember to fill in the blank with your mother's name and describe her afterwards. For example, you could say "Ma mère s'appelle Marie. Elle est pharmacienne" (My mother's name is Marie. She is a pharmacist).