what's the difference in writing style between a history paper and an english paper? i use the same style for both classes and in english i get great grades and history not so much.

Perhaps your history teacher finds fault with the content of your papers. I suggest you make an appointment with your history teacher to find out why you're not getting great grades on those papers.

The difference in writing style between a history paper and an English paper lies in their respective purposes and expectations. While it's great that you have been successful with your writing style in English, understanding how to tailor your approach to history papers can be key to improving your grades in that subject.

Here are a few key distinctions between the two:

1. Analytical vs. Argumentative: History papers typically require an analytical approach where you present information, analyze evidence, and make interpretations. English papers, on the other hand, often require an argumentative approach, where you put forth a clear thesis statement and support it with evidence.

2. Use of Evidence: In a history paper, it is crucial to use specific evidence to support your claims. This includes quoting primary and secondary sources, referencing historical events, and providing examples. English papers may also require evidence, but it can come in the form of literary analysis, quotes from literary works, and references to themes or motifs.

3. Clarity vs. Creativity: In an English paper, you may have more room for creative expression, such as using metaphorical language, symbolism, or poetic devices. However, in a history paper, it is generally more important to focus on clarity and precision, using straightforward and concise language to convey your ideas.

4. Structure: While both types of papers require an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, the way you structure your arguments can differ. In an English paper, you may choose a more fluid structure that explores various literary elements. In a history paper, it is often best to follow a chronological or thematic structure, allowing the reader to follow your historical analysis more easily.

To improve your history paper grades, consider the following steps:

1. Understand the assignment: Carefully read and analyze the assignment prompt, paying attention to any specific requirements or expectations.

2. Conduct thorough research: Engage with primary and secondary sources related to your topic. Take detailed notes and cite your sources accurately to support your analysis.

3. Develop a clear thesis: Craft a strong thesis statement that reflects your interpretation of the historical topic. Ensure it is specific, arguable, and provides a clear direction for your paper.

4. Analyze and interpret: Instead of just presenting historical facts, critically analyze the evidence and make connections between different sources. Interpret the information to present a well-supported argument.

5. Revise and edit: Pay attention to grammar, sentence structure, and clarity of your writing. Proofread your paper for any errors or inconsistencies.

Don't hesitate to reach out to your history teacher or a writing tutor for further assistance specific to your class and assignments.