how do you say

"the trip was a very great experience."

el viaje era una experiencia muy grande

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. You might also say: El viaje era (or fue, if you consider it over and done with vs. description) una gran experiencia. Using "grande" afterwards can be large, bit, great but using "gran" before the noun can be "famous, great."


To translate the phrase "the trip was a very great experience," you would first need to determine the language you wish to translate it into. Once you have identified the target language, you can use various translation tools and resources to find the equivalent phrase.

Here are the general steps to follow:

1. Identify the target language: Determine the language you want to translate the phrase into, such as Spanish, French, German, etc.

2. Choose a translation tool or resource: There are several options available, including online translation services like Google Translate, offline translation apps, or language dictionaries.

3. Enter the phrase: Input the English phrase "the trip was a very great experience" into the translation tool or resource.

4. Select the target language: Choose the desired language for translation.

5. Obtain the translation: The translation tool will provide you with the equivalent phrase in the target language.

Please note that the accuracy of your translation may vary depending on the complexity of the phrase and the quality of the translation tool or resource you use. Additionally, be aware that automated translation tools may not capture the nuances and cultural connotations accurately. It's always helpful to consult with a native speaker or a language expert to ensure the translation is appropriate and natural-sounding.