w=Cr^-2 solve for r

w = Cr^-2

w = C/r^2
wr^2 = C
r^2 = C/w
r = +/- sqrt (C/w)
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i came up with r=sqrt of C/w

what is the +/- for ? could it be either positive or negative?

ANYTIME you take the square root of something, you get a + or -. Let me show you why.

Take the square root of 4. That is 2. Now if we multiply +2 x +2 we get +4. BUT if we multiply -2 x -2 we also get +4. So the square root of 4 is +/- 2. Same with anything else because a minus number x a minus number = a + number.

To solve the equation w = Cr^(-2) for r, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by isolating the variable r on one side of the equation. Since r is in the exponent, we need to apply exponent rules to eliminate it.

Divide both sides of the equation by C:

w/C = r^(-2)

Step 2: Inverse both sides of the equation by taking the reciprocal of each side:

1 / (w/C) = 1 / (r^(-2))

Simplifying further, we get:

C/w = r^2

Step 3: Take the square root of both sides of the equation to remove the exponent:

√(C/w) = √(r^2)

Step 4: Simplify the expression on the right side of the equation:

√(C/w) = |r|

Note: The absolute value signs are added because we take the square root of both sides, and the square root of a positive number has two possible solutions, positive and negative.

Step 5: Finally, to get the value of r, we can consider two cases:

Case 1: If you are looking for a positive value of r, you can drop the absolute value signs:

r = √(C/w)

Case 2: If you are looking for a negative value of r, you can include the negative sign:

r = -√(C/w)

Therefore, the solutions for r in the equation w = Cr^(-2) are r = √(C/w) and r = -√(C/w).