the bloodhound has 4.0*10^9 scent receptors in its nose. a typical human has 1.2*10^7 scent receptors.

how many time more scent receptors does a bloodhounds have than a human? round answer to the nearest whole number

The answer to this problem is 4. I got the answer 4.4444444444444444444 so I rounded to the nearest whole number so I received 4.

I think the answer to this problem is 4 because you round down when you get 4.444444444444, but I think is uncorrect ma'm.


1.2 * 10^7

400 * 10^7
1.2 * 10^7

333 times as many

To determine the ratio between the number of scent receptors of a bloodhound and a human, we can simply divide the number of scent receptors of the bloodhound by the number of scent receptors of a human.

The number of scent receptors of a bloodhound is 4.0 * 10^9, and the number of scent receptors of a human is 1.2 * 10^7.

So, the ratio is:

(4.0 * 10^9) / (1.2 * 10^7) = 3.3333... * 10^2

To round the answer to the nearest whole number, we can use the standard rounding convention. If the decimal part is 0.5 or above, we round up; otherwise, we round down.

In this case, the decimal part of 3.3333... is less than 0.5, so we round down. Therefore, a bloodhound has approximately 333 times more scent receptors than a human.