does any one know the french meaning of la nouvelle .

La nouvelle means "the new." Nouvelle is an adjective so it describes a noun.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. "La nouvelle" here is a noun for "a piece of news; the novelette, the short story."

It could also be nomininalization with the definite article meaning "the new one."


To find the French meaning of "la nouvelle," you can use several methods. Here's how you can do it:

1. Online translation tools: You can use various online translation tools such as Google Translate, DeepL, or Linguee. Simply type "la nouvelle" into the translation box, set the source language as English, and the target language as French. The translation provided will be "the news" or "the new" in English.

2. French-English dictionaries: Utilize a French-English dictionary to look up the meaning of "la nouvelle." You can find physical dictionaries or use online ones like WordReference or Collins. Look for the entry for "la nouvelle," and it should indicate that it means "the news" or "the new."

3. Consult native French speakers: If you have any French-speaking friends or colleagues, you can ask them directly for the French meaning of "la nouvelle." Native speakers are a reliable source as they can provide accurate translations and even explain the context and usage of the phrase.

Remember, always double-check translations and understand that context can sometimes alter the meaning of a word or phrase.