In The Call of the Wild, the bond between Buck and Thornton is best explained by observing that

dog and a man were like mirror opposites.

In The Call of the Wild, the bond between Buck and Thornton is best explained by observing that

In The Call of the Wild, the bond between Buck and Thornton is best explained by observing that

A. Buck found Thornton fair and just; Thornton found Buck dependable.
B. dog and man were like mirror opposites.

C. Buck had helped Thornton pay off his debts.

D. dog and man were both in touch with their primordial nature.

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In The Call of the Wild, the bond between Buck and Thornton is best explained by observing that

the bond between Buck and Thornton is best explained by observing that

A. Buck had helped Thornton pay off his debts.
B. dog and man were both in touch with their primordial nature.
C. Buck found Thornton fair and just; Thornton found Buck dependable.
D. dog and man were like mirror opposites.

D i took the test:)

D is not the correct answer I just took the text and it was wrong

B. dog and man were both in touch with their primordial nature.

In order to understand the bond between Buck and Thornton in The Call of the Wild, it's important to observe their interactions throughout the story. Here's how you can analyze their relationship to gain a better understanding:

1. Read the novel: Start by reading The Call of the Wild by Jack London. This will provide you with the necessary background information and context surrounding the characters and their relationship.

2. Observe their initial meeting: Pay close attention to the first encounter between Buck and Thornton. Take note of their initial reactions towards each other, including any signs of trust, curiosity, or fear.

3. Analyze their interactions: As you read further into the story, analyze how Buck and Thornton interact with each other. Look for key moments such as acts of kindness, loyalty, and protection. Take note of how they communicate and understand one another.

4. Consider their individual motivations: Examine the motivations of both Buck and Thornton. Think about what they each gain from the relationship and why they choose to stay together. Consider any similarities they might have in their desires or needs.

5. Evaluate their emotional connection: Assess the emotional bond between Buck and Thornton. Look for instances of empathy, shared experiences, and mutual understanding. Pay attention to how their relationship evolves over time and any challenges they face together.

6. Examine their impact on each other: Analyze how Buck and Thornton's relationship affects the course of the story. Consider any positive changes or development in both characters as a result of their bond. Reflect on how they shape each other's fates and influence their individual journeys.

By following these steps and analyzing the characters, their interactions, motivations, emotional connection, and impact on one another, you can gain a deeper understanding of the bond between Buck and Thornton in The Call of the Wild.