how do you find an area of a figure, in square units plotted on a graph?

It depends on what shape the area is. The simplest way is to count the square units the shape encloses. If the shape includes diagonal lines, a triangle for example, you will need to use its area formula. For a triangle that would be 1/2 the number of base unit squares times the number of height unit squares.

To find the area of a figure plotted on a graph, follow these steps:

1. Identify the figure you want to find the area of. It could be a rectangle, triangle, circle, or any other polygon.

2. Determine the coordinates of the vertices or points that form the boundary of the figure on the graph. This information will help you construct the shape accurately.

3. If the figure is a rectangle, find the length and width by measuring the distance between opposite sides using the grid lines on the graph. Multiply the length and width to calculate the area: Area = Length x Width.

4. If the figure is a triangle, find the height and base length. The height is the perpendicular distance between the base and the opposite vertex. Use the grid lines to measure the height and base, then multiply them together. Finally, divide the result by 2 to find the area: Area = (Base x Height) / 2.

5. If the figure is a circle, locate its center and measure the radius, which is the distance from the center to any point on the circle's circumference. Square the radius, then multiply it by pi (approximately 3.14) to obtain the area: Area = π x (Radius)^2.

6. For polygons with irregular shapes, divide the shape into smaller recognizable shapes (such as rectangles and triangles) and calculate the area of each. Sum up the areas of all the components to get the total area of the figure.

Remember to express the area in square units, such as square inches, square centimeters, or square meters, depending on the units used in the graph.

To find the area of a figure plotted on a graph, you need to determine the shape of the figure and the coordinates of the points that define its boundaries. Then, you can use the appropriate formula to calculate the area based on the shape.

Here are the steps to find the area of a figure on a graph:

1. Identify the shape: Look at the figure on the graph and determine the shape it resembles. It could be a rectangle, square, triangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, or any other common shape.

2. Write down the coordinates: Write down the coordinates of the points that define the boundaries of the figure. These could be the vertices of the shape or the coordinates of the sides.

3. Calculate the necessary measurements: Depending on the shape, you will need different measurements to calculate the area. For example, if you have a rectangle, you will need the length and width. If you have a triangle, you will need the base and height.

4. Apply the appropriate area formula: Use the formula that corresponds to the shape of the figure to calculate the area.

For example, here are the area formulas for common shapes:

- Rectangle: Area = length x width
- Square: Area = side length^2
- Triangle: Area = 0.5 x base x height
- Parallelogram: Area = base x height
- Trapezoid: Area = 0.5 x (base1 + base2) x height
- Circle: Area = π x radius^2 (if you know the center and radius of the circle)

By following these steps and using the relevant area formula, you can find the area of a figure plotted on a graph in square units.