jenna drew a triangle with 1 right angle. what type of triangle did she draw?

Can a triangle 2 right angles?

trinka stood inside a circle of friends to play a game. each friend in the circle is the same distance from trinka. what part of the circle does trinka's position represent?

-she drew a right triangle

-a triangle cannot have two right angles because one right angle is 90 degrees. if there are two right angles that would be a total of 180 degrees. all three angles in the triangle have to add up to 180 degrees, so if two angles make up all of those degrees, there is no third angle.
-the center!

To determine the type of triangle Jenna drew with one right angle, you need to understand the classifications of triangles based on their angles.

A triangle with one right angle is called a right triangle. In a right triangle, one of the angles measures exactly 90 degrees. The other two angles are acute, meaning they are less than 90 degrees.

Now, for the second question, can a triangle have two right angles? The answer is no. A triangle can never have more than one right angle. The sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees. If a triangle has two right angles, then the sum of the angles would be greater than 180 degrees, which is not possible.

Moving on to the final question about Trinka standing inside a circle with friends. In this scenario, if each friend in the circle is equidistant from Trinka, it means that Trinka's position represents the center of the circle. The center of a circle is the point from which all points on the circle are equidistant. In this case, Trinka is standing at the center, making her position represent the center of the circle.