what is 248*63


248 times 63 = 15,624

To find the product of 248 multiplied by 63, you simply need to multiply the two numbers together. Here's the step-by-step process to calculate it:

1. Start by multiplying the ones digit of 248 (which is 8) by 63. This gives you: 8 * 63 = 504.

2. Write down the units digit of this result, which is 4, and carry over the tens place digit (5) to the next step.

3. Multiply the tens digit of 248 (which is 4) by 63, and add the carried-over value from the previous step (5). This gives you: (4 * 63) + 5 = 252.

4. Write down the tens digit of this result, which is 2, and carry over the hundreds place digit (2) to the next step.

5. Multiply the hundreds digit of 248 (which is 2) by 63, and add the carried-over value from the previous step (2). This gives you: (2 * 63) + 2 = 128.

6. Write down the hundreds digit of this result, which is 1.

7. Finally, combine all the digits you wrote down in the previous steps: 1284.

Therefore, 248 multiplied by 63 equals 1284.