convert 175f to c

convert 325f to k
covnert 575 cal to J
canvert 23 Cal to J

F = (9/5)*C + 32

C = (F-32)*5/9
There are 4.184 J in 1 calorie.

I notice one of the calories is typed with a lower case c and the next one with an upper case C. Is that supposed to represent different units. In the OLD days, food chemists used the Big Calorie, usually represented by a capital C, to denote kcal while the small c was the regular calorie. If that is the intent here, then,

1000c = 1 kcal

thank you

To convert from Fahrenheit (°F) to Celsius (°C), you can use the following formula:

°C = (°F - 32) * 5/9

For the first conversion, which is 175°F to °C, you can substitute the value into the formula:

°C = (175 - 32) * 5/9
°C = 143 * 5/9
°C = 71.6667

So, 175°F is approximately equal to 71.67°C.

To convert from Fahrenheit (°F) to Kelvin (K), you can use the following formula:

K = (°F + 459.67) * 5/9

For the second conversion, which is 325°F to K, you can substitute the value into the formula:

K = (325 + 459.67) * 5/9
K = 784.67 * 5/9
K = 435.926

So, 325°F is approximately equal to 435.93 K.

To convert from calories (cal) to joules (J), you can use the conversion factor:

1 cal = 4.184 J

For the third conversion, which is 575 cal to J, you can multiply the value by the conversion factor:

J = 575 cal * 4.184 J/cal
J = 2408.6

So, 575 cal is equal to 2408.6 J.

Please note that "cal" refers to a small calorie, and "Cal" (with a capital "C") refers to a kilocalorie (equal to 1000 calories).

To convert from kilocalories (Cal) to joules (J), you can use the conversion factor:

1 Cal = 4184 J

For the fourth conversion, which is 23 Cal to J, you can multiply the value by the conversion factor:

J = 23 Cal * 4184 J/Cal
J = 96232

So, 23 Cal is equal to 96232 J.

Remember to pay attention to the units and to use the correct conversion factors for accurate conversions.