
4 = 14

*5t-9 is over 4. if you understand the question please answer!!

Do have trouble finding t?

yeah all i need to find is t. it is really confusing me. can you please help me find what t is? if so thanks a lot

can you please help me, Joshua?

(5t-9/ 4 ) = 14

5t-9 =14*4 multiply 4 to both sides, and it cancels the 4 on the left side.

5t-9=56 add 9 to both sides, and it cancels on the left side.

5t=65 divide by 5 on both sides

t= 13

thanks a million!!

Joshua did a great job!

I just want to say that to solve for a variable (any variable) means to isolate the variable on one side of the equation.

Do you see, as Joshua said, that
t = 13?

Do you see that the letter or variable t has been isolated on one side of the equation?

That means Joshua solved the equation for t.

To find out if Joshua is correct (and he is), replace t with 13 in the original equation given and simplify.

If you get the SAME answer on both sides of the equation, then you will know FOR SURE that t = 13.

Got it?

To solve the equation (5t-9) / 4 = 14, we need to isolate the variable t.

To do this, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the equation by 4 to remove the denominator:
(4) * (5t-9) / 4 = 14 * 4
This simplifies to: 5t - 9 = 56

Step 2: Add 9 to both sides of the equation to move the constant term to the right side:
5t - 9 + 9 = 56 + 9
This simplifies to: 5t = 65

Step 3: Divide both sides of the equation by 5 to solve for t:
(5t) / 5 = 65 / 5
This simplifies to: t = 13

So, the solution to the equation (5t-9) / 4 = 14 is t = 13.