If you post a specific geometry question, we can help. Please show us how far you got with the problem so we can see where you are having trouble and steer you in the right direction.

What is your geometry question?

What exactly do you need help with in terms of geometry?

Write back....

Supplement problems.

How long is a string reaching from the top of a pole 19 feet tall to a point at ground level 14 feet from the pole?

What help do you need? Please be specific!!!

i need help to!

Of course, I'm here to help! Geometry can be a challenging subject, but I'll do my best to explain it to you.

First, let's start with some basic concepts in geometry:

1. Points: In geometry, a point is a location in space. It has no size, only position. We usually label points with capital letters like A, B, C, etc.

2. Lines: A line is a straight path that goes on forever in both directions. It's made up of an infinite number of points. We usually label lines with lowercase letters or with two points on the line.

3. Line Segments: A line segment is a portion of a line with two distinct endpoints. We usually label line segments with two points, starting with the endpoint on the left and then the endpoint on the right.

4. Angles: An angle is formed by two rays that have a common endpoint called the vertex. We usually measure angles in degrees (°). Angles can be classified as acute (less than 90°), right (exactly 90°), obtuse (greater than 90° but less than 180°), or straight (exactly 180°).

Now, could you please let me know specifically what you need help with in basic geometry? Are there any particular concepts or problems you're struggling with?