11. “wry” (line 12) means:

(A) wicked
(B) dry
(C) ironic
(D) indifferent

i don't know

Here's where a good dictionary can be invaluable. An inexpensive paper-back, English, or even English--->French--->English.

1 : having a bent or twisted shape or condition <a wry smile>; especially : turned abnormally to one side <a wry neck>
3 : cleverly and often ironically or grimly humorous

In this case, "C" is the best.


To determine the meaning of the word "wry" in line 12, you can use context clues or refer to a dictionary for the definition. Considering the options given, let's analyze the poem or the surrounding sentences to find clues about the meaning of "wry" in this specific context.

Without the full poem, it can be challenging to provide a definitive answer based solely on the given information. However, "wry" typically means "ironic" or "twisted" when used to describe someone's expression or humor. It implies a sense of dry or sarcastic wit, characterized by subtly mocking or sardonic undertones.

To confirm the correct meaning, it is advisable to consult a dictionary, which will provide a precise definition and examples of how the word is commonly used.