how do u put this in scientific notation 3x 10^3 +4.0 x 10^4

it equals 43,000 so I would write it 4.3 *10^4...IS that what you're asking?

yes do you know how you figure out the exponents?

Or another way is

3 x 10^3 + 4.0 x 10^4 =
3 x 10^3 + 40 x 10^3 =
43 x 10^3 = 4.3 x 10^4

Or a third way is
0.3 x 10^4 + 4.0 x 10^4 =
4.3 x 10^4

For purposes of using some method to perform significant figures checks, I think the latter is the best.


+ 3,000
to determine the exponents you put the decimal after 4. Then count how the spaces to the right after the decimal. your last decimal will be after the 0 = 10^4......does that help?

yes thanks jessica and bob

To put numbers in scientific notation, follow these steps:

1. Determine the coefficient: The coefficient is the decimal or whole number part of the given number. In this case, the coefficients are 3x10^3 and 4.0x10^4.

2. Determine the exponent: The exponent represents the power of 10 by which the coefficient is multiplied. In both numbers, the exponents are 3 and 4.

Now, let's write the numbers in scientific notation:

3x10^3: The coefficient is 3, and the exponent is 3, so in scientific notation, it becomes 3.0x10^3.

4.0x10^4: The coefficient is 4.0, and the exponent is 4, so in scientific notation, it remains the same as 4.0x10^4.

Therefore, the numbers in scientific notation are:
3x10^3 = 3.0x10^3
4.0x10^4 = 4.0x10^4