how do you break down a division problem such as 2%734?

Are you asking what 2% of 734 is? Please clarify and we'll be glad to help you.

This question must have a typo.

Do you mean 2% times 734?


Do you mean break down 2/734 to the lowest term?

To reduce 2/734, we divide 2 into itself and into 734.

If we do that, this is what the new fraction becomes:


However, if you want to multiply 2% by 734, we must convert 2% to a decimal number.

So, 2% becomes 0.02.

Now, 0.02 times 734 = 14.68

To break down a division problem like 2 ÷ 734, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the division problem.

2 ÷ 734

Step 2: Look at the divisor (734) and the dividend (2).

The divisor is the number being divided into the dividend. In this division problem, 734 is the divisor, and 2 is the dividend.

Step 3: Determine the quotient (the answer) estimate.

To estimate the quotient, you can round the dividend and divisor to their nearest tens, hundreds, or thousands. In this case, since 2 is less than 10, we can round both the dividend and divisor to the nearest tens.

2 rounds to 0, and 734 rounds to 730.

Now, you have a new division problem:

0 ÷ 730

Step 4: Divide the numbers.

Start by dividing the leftmost digit (0) of the dividend by the divisor (730). Since 0 divided by any number is 0, we get:

0 ÷ 730 = 0

So, the quotient of 2 ÷ 734 is 0.

Please note that in this case, the quotient is rounded down to the whole number 0 because the divisor is much larger than the dividend.