There are 231 cubic inches in a gallon. How many cubic inches are needed to fill a container with a capacity of 12 2/3 gallons? ______ cubic inches

Multiply 231 by 12 2/3.

We'll be glad to check your answer.


Right! :-)

To find out how many cubic inches are needed to fill a container with a capacity of 12 2/3 gallons, we first need to calculate the total number of cubic inches in 12 2/3 gallons.

First, let's convert the mixed fraction 12 2/3 into an improper fraction:
12 2/3 = (3 × 12 + 2)/3 = 38/3

Next, we multiply the number of gallons by the conversion factor to find the cubic inches:
Conversion factor: 1 gallon = 231 cubic inches

Cubic inches in 12 2/3 gallons = (38/3) × 231

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators (top numbers) and the denominators (bottom numbers):
= (38 × 231) / 3

Using a calculator or long multiplication, we find the product to be:
= 8746 cubic inches

Therefore, 12 2/3 gallons is equal to 8746 cubic inches.