Factor - check by multiplying

Is this right?

x^2-6x = x^2(x-6)???

no,it's wrong

no it's worng because the x= 5

To factor the expression x^2 - 6x, you need to find the common factors of the terms. In this case, both terms have a common factor of x.

To factor out the common factor x, you need to divide each term by x.

Dividing x^2 by x gives you x, and dividing -6x by x gives you -6.

So, factoring out x from both terms, you get:

x(x - 6)

Now, let's check if this factorization is correct by multiplying:

x(x - 6) = x * x + x * (-6) = x^2 - 6x

So, the factorization x(x - 6) is indeed correct for the expression x^2 - 6x.