A tank of gas at 21 degrees C has a pressure of 1.0 atm. Using the data in the table answer the following questions. Explain your answers

A. If the tank contains carbon tetrafluoride, CF4 is the liquid state also present?

B. If the tank contains butane, C4H10 is the liquid state also present?

CF4 -128 degrees C (Boiling Point) -46 degrees C (critical Temperature) 41 atm (Critical Pressure)
C4H10 -0.5 degree C (Boling Point) 152 degrees C (Critical Temp) 38 atm (Critical Pressure)

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Yes and Yes

To determine if a substance is in the liquid state, we need to compare the temperature of the substance with its boiling point. If the temperature is below the boiling point, then the substance will be in the liquid state.

A. To determine if CF4 is in the liquid state, we compare the given temperature of 21 degrees C with its boiling point of -128 degrees C. Since 21 degrees C is above -128 degrees C, CF4 is not in the liquid state.

B. To determine if C4H10 is in the liquid state, we compare the given temperature of 21 degrees C with its boiling point of -0.5 degree C. Since 21 degrees C is above -0.5 degree C, C4H10 is not in the liquid state.

So, in both cases, neither CF4 nor C4H10 is in the liquid state at 21 degrees C.