When a figure is drawn in quadrant 2, and you reflect it over the x axis, do you reflect in quadrant 1 or four?

I think you reflect it in quadrant 4.

Also, where would you reflect it over the x axis when the original figure is in quadrant 1? And y axis?

When a figure is drawn in quadrant 2, and you reflect it over the x axis, do you reflect in quadrant 1 or four?

Quadrant 3

Also, where would you reflect it over the x axis when the original figure is in quadrant 1?

Quadrant 4

And y axis?

Quadrant 2

When a figure is drawn in quadrant 2 and you reflect it over the x-axis, you are essentially mirroring the figure across the x-axis. This reflection will result in the figure being positioned in a new location. The x-axis itself acts as the mirror line.

To determine the new quadrant in which the reflected figure will be positioned, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the original quadrant (quadrant 2 in this case).
2. Reflect the figure across the x-axis by flipping the figure over the x-axis, while keeping its orientation unchanged.
3. For quadrant 2, the x-axis lies below the figure. When you reflect the figure over the x-axis, it will move to the region above the x-axis, which is quadrant 1.
4. Therefore, the reflected figure will be in quadrant 1.

Now let's consider the case when the original figure is in quadrant 1:

When you reflect a figure in quadrant 1 over the x-axis, the figure will move from the region above the x-axis to a new position below the x-axis. Therefore, the reflected figure will be in quadrant 4 after the reflection.

Similarly, when a figure is reflected over the y-axis, the figure will mirror across the y-axis. Consequently:

- When the original figure is in quadrant 1 and you reflect it over the y-axis, the reflected figure will be in quadrant 2.
- When the original figure is in quadrant 2 and you reflect it over the y-axis, the reflected figure will be in quadrant 1.
- When the original figure is in quadrant 3 and you reflect it over the y-axis, the reflected figure will be in quadrant 4.
- When the original figure is in quadrant 4 and you reflect it over the y-axis, the reflected figure will be in quadrant 3.

Remember, reflections over the x-axis or y-axis simply involve flipping the figure across the corresponding axis while maintaining its orientation. This process allows us to determine the new quadrant in which the reflected figure will be positioned.