In a class of 30 chemistry students, 17 of the students are female. What percentage of students is female?


To determine the percentage of female students in the class, you need to divide the number of female students by the total number of students and multiply it by 100.

Step 1: Calculate the percentage of female students:
Female students = 17
Total number of students = 30

Percentage of female students = (Number of female students / Total number of students) × 100
= (17 / 30) × 100
= 0.5666... × 100
= 56.67...

Therefore, approximately 56.67% of the students in the class are female.

To find out the percentage of students that are female, you can use the formula:

Percentage = (Number of Females / Total Number of Students) * 100

In this case, there are 17 female students out of a total of 30 students.

So, the percentage of female students would be:

Percentage = (17 / 30) * 100

Simplifying this calculation, we have:

Percentage = 0.5667 * 100

Therefore, the percentage of female students in the class is approximately 56.67%.