your projects should contain the following:

1. write a prosa text for a domain of your
own (maximum 1 A4 sheet of paper)
2. model this text in form of an EER diagram
or UML class diagram
3. create a SQL script for building all tables
and constraints to this model (using MySQL)
4. implement at least 3 SQL queries on this
tables (one join, one aggregation, one
group by and order by)
5. write a Java GUI using a table model which
shows the data from this data base (based
on JDBC 2 and MVC)
6. prepare a short presentation on the diagram
and relational model and a running program.

For a positive result not only a running program is
needed, but also well answers for my questions.

We will see on Mo 25th of February for AdvProgTech
and on We 27th of February for AdvDBSys.

To complete the given project, you will need to follow the steps outlined below:

1. Writing a prose text:
- As the first step, you need to write a text describing a domain of your choice. This should be a maximum of 1 A4 sheet of paper. Choose a domain that you are familiar with and can easily describe.

2. Modeling the text in the form of an EER diagram or UML class diagram:
- Based on the prose text you have written, you need to model it using either an EER (Enhanced Entity-Relationship) diagram or a UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagram. Use appropriate entities, relationships, attributes, and cardinalities to represent the domain.

3. Creating a SQL script for building tables and constraints:
- Once you have the diagram ready, you can proceed to create a SQL script. This script should include the necessary commands for creating tables and defining constraints that correspond to the entities and relationships in your diagram. Use MySQL as the database management system.

4. Implementing SQL queries:
- Write at least 3 SQL queries that demonstrate different database operations on your tables. Examples of queries you can include are:
- One join query: Combining data from multiple tables based on a specific condition.
- One aggregation query: Performing an aggregate function (e.g., SUM, COUNT) on a set of data.
- One group by and order by query: Grouping data based on a specific attribute and ordering it by another attribute.

5. Developing a Java GUI using a table model:
- Use JDBC 2 (Java Database Connectivity) and the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern to create a Java GUI that interacts with your database. As part of this, create a table model that fetches and displays the data from your database tables.

6. Preparing a short presentation:
- Prepare a presentation highlighting your EER or UML diagram, relational model, and the working program. Provide an overview of your design choices, explain the functionality of your program, and showcase how it meets the project requirements.

Remember that in order to achieve a positive result, it is essential to have a working program and to be able to provide well-thought-out answers to questions related to your choices and implementation.

Good luck with your projects, and make sure to be well-prepared for the upcoming presentations on February 25th and February 27th for the respective courses.