a rolloercoater begins at 90 feet abouve ground level.then it desends 105 feet, find the height of the coaster after the first descent

Subtract 105 from 90 and you get -15. It would end up underground.

oh okay that's what i thought just making sure

Some roller coasters end up in a pond of water, which might be below ground level

To find the height of the coaster after the first descent, we need to subtract the descent distance from the initial height.

Initial height = 90 feet
Descent distance = 105 feet

To calculate the height after the descent, we subtract the descent distance from the initial height:

Height after descent = Initial height - Descent distance

Height after descent = 90 feet - 105 feet

To perform the subtraction, we convert the positive distance into a negative value:

Height after descent = 90 feet + (-105 feet)

Simplifying the addition and subtraction:

Height after descent = -15 feet

Therefore, the height of the coaster after the first descent is -15 feet.