Please help simplify (5-2x)^2


=25 -10x -10x + 4x^2
=25 - 20x + 4x^2

I don't see how this expression could be simplified any further since it is already in its most basic form. The only thing you could do is switch the two terms between the brackets so you get (2x-5)².

Thanks that's what i thought it looked more simplified before expanding out of the brackets

To simplify the expression (5-2x)^2, we need to expand it and combine like terms. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start by writing the expression as a product of itself: (5-2x)(5-2x)

2. Now, we need to multiply each term in the first set of parentheses (5-2x) by each term in the second set of parentheses (5-2x). Use the distributive property to do this. Here's what you get:

(5 * 5) + (5 * -2x) + (-2x * 5) + (-2x * -2x)

3. Simplify each of these products:

25 - 10x - 10x + 4x^2

4. Combine like terms:

25 - 20x + 4x^2

So, the simplified form of (5-2x)^2 is 4x^2 - 20x + 25.