Question -- va a viajar a peru tu primo andres?

My answer:
No, mi primo ya viajo a peru Andres

It's best to say "el Perú" so the very best answer is:

No, mi primo Andrés ya viajó al Perú.

Note the 3 accent marks! :)


To answer the question, you can break it down into the following parts:

"Va a viajar" means "is going to travel."
"A Perú" means "to Peru."
"Tu primo Andrés" means "your cousin Andrés."

So, the question is asking if your cousin Andrés is going to travel to Peru.

The response "No, mi primo ya viajó a Perú, Andrés" translates to "No, my cousin Andrés already traveled to Peru."

To understand this, you need to recognize that "No" means "no" in both languages. "Mi primo" means "my cousin." "Ya viajó a Perú" translates to "already traveled to Peru." Lastly, "Andrés" refers to the name "Andrés."

So, the answer is that Andrés already traveled to Peru.

No, mi primo Andrés ya viajó a Perú.