glue is to sticks as thorns is to? Must begin with scr spr str thr!!

What does glue do? Glue sticks

What do thorns do? Thorns scratch.


To find a word that is related to "thorns" and begins with "scr," "spr," "str," or "thr," you can use a word search tool or an online dictionary that allows you to search by patterns or word origins. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find the answer to your question:

1. Open a web browser and go to a website that offers a word search or a dictionary feature. Examples include Merriam-Webster, Oxford English Dictionary, or WordFinder.

2. On the website's search bar or search function, type in "scr*spr*str*thr*" to represent the letters you want to find at the beginning of the word. The asterisk (*) is used as a wild card, representing any letter or combination of letters.

3. Press enter or click the search button to generate a list of words that match the given pattern.

4. Look through the list of words and focus on those related to "thorns" or any other related terms that you have in mind. Pay attention to the meanings and context of each word to determine the best fit.

Using this method, you can easily find words that meet your criteria. However, please note that there might be multiple correct answers, as language is versatile and can have many different options for word associations.