What is the action verb and linking verb in this sentence:

The day was warm and sunny.

The linking verb is "are." There is no action verb. There is no action in that sentence!

I thought "was" is considered a verb? (are verbs and actions the same?)

Some verbs show action -- like jump, think, run, believe, drive, chase. Other verbs express state of being -- as the underlined verbs in these sentences.

I am a teacher.
Joe is cool.
My sisters are Brenda and Teresa.
The day was warm and sunny.

Oh ok-- I get it now!

There is no action

In the sentence "The day was warm and sunny," the action verb is "was" and the linking verb is also "was."

To identify the action verb, we must look for the word that expresses an action. In this sentence, there is no such word. The verb "was" is a form of the verb "to be," which is a linking verb in this case. Linking verbs connect the subject of the sentence to a noun, pronoun, or adjective that renames or describes it.

Therefore, in this sentence, "was" functions as both a linking verb and the main verb of the sentence. It links the subject "day" to the adjectives "warm" and "sunny," describing the qualities of the day.