I already did this problem but i decided to check my self since my answer wasn't withthe status quo of the rest of the answers i checked twice and got the same answer. But will someone double check me.

The designers fo the Parthenon, a Greek Temple completed in 432 B.C., utilized the golden ration. The outline of its face fits into a golden rectangle, in which the length varies directly as its height in the ration 1.618 to 1. The length of the temple was about 31m what was the original height of the parthenon.

The answer I came up with was 50.16 m Am i right???

No, not right, length must be greater than height here.

length = (1.618/1) * height

31 = 1.618 * height

height = 31 / 1.618

How do I find the axis of symmetry in a quadratic equation? And how do I put the equation in vertex form?

beech log. that every wasn't at The hollow a bit of a bit of a scientist. to actually to actually from

by year. with whatever berries. crown. I didn't black I don't know little the tree, I go back

Look at later posts for my reply to Math Lena

5 x^2 + 10 x - 20 = y

first divide everything by 5, the coef of x

x^2 + 2 x - 4 = y/5
now add 4 to both sides

x^2 + 2 x = y/5 +4
now take half the coef of x, square it, and add to both sides
(2/2)^2 =1
x^2 + 2 x + 1 = y/5 + 5
NOW the left is
(x+1)^2 = y/5 + 1

symmetry to the right and left of x = -1 where the left is 0
so the x coordinate of the vertex is x = -1

What is y then?
y/5 + 1 = 0
y = -1(5) = -5
so the vertex is at

How do you solve 2x2+12+5 and that is two to the second power

hom many linrs of symmetry does a parallelgram hsve

To verify if your answer is correct, we can use the information given about the golden rectangle and the length of the temple.

A golden rectangle has a length that is 1.618 times its height. In this case, the length of the temple is given as 31m.

Let's set up an equation to find the height of the Parthenon (x):

Length / Height = 1.618

31m / x = 1.618

Now, we can solve the equation by multiplying both sides by x:

31m = 1.618 * x

Next, divide both sides by 1.618 to isolate x:

x = 31m / 1.618

Calculating this expression gives us x ≈ 19.1609m.

Therefore, the original height of the Parthenon was approximately 19.1609m, not 50.16m.

It seems like your initial answer was incorrect. Double-check your calculations to see if there was an error.