please help me simplify


Are the last 2's exponents? That would mean you want to know

The +2 and -2 operations on (x^3y^4) would leave it unchanged, and leave you with

The problem to solve is:


Multiply 8 and
8*(x^3*y^4)2 evaluates to 64

Abort (8*(x^3*y^4)2)-2 evaluates to 64-64
The final answer is 64-64

The 2's are not exponents

Apologies to you and James B, I'm home from work now and just looked at the problem and the 2's are exponents.

Apologies, I'm home from work now and was able to look at the problem for myself and the 2's are exponents.

If the 2's are exponents, I stand by my original answer.

To simplify the expression (8(x^3y^4)^2)-2, we can follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS) and simplify each part step by step.

1. First, apply the exponent to the terms inside the parentheses:
(x^3y^4)^2 = x^(3*2) * y^(4*2) = x^6 * y^8

2. Now, substitute this back into the original expression:
(8 * x^6 * y^8) - 2

3. Next, distribute the 8 to both x^6 and y^8:
8 * x^6 * y^8 - 2

4. Finally, remove the parentheses if there are no further operations to perform inside them:
8x^6y^8 - 2

So, the simplified expression is 8x^6y^8 - 2.