I need to write sentences but i'm stuck on some words that I have not yet learn. Please fill me in.

How do you say "petted" (in imperfect passive tense on things I used to do when I was younger) and "holding onto"?

Thank you for reposting. Isn't this the very same one I just answered a few minutes ago? Please look below.

Having looked for "piggy bank" here are the choices:
1. many dictionaries did not have it
2. one dictionary had "hucha" which is a feminine word
3. one dictionary had "banquito de cerdo" which I find too literal; I wouldn't use it!
4. another had the word I gave you for a child's coin bank = alcancía (fem.)


To say "petted" in the imperfect passive tense, we first need to identify the base form of the verb. In this case, the base form is "pet." To form the imperfect passive tense, we need the past participle of the verb, which for "pet" is "petted." So, the sentence "I used to be petted when I was younger" would be: "Me antiguo de mascotas cuando era más joven."

As for "holding onto," we need to find an appropriate translation based on the context. If you mean physically grasping onto something, the translation would be "agarrando." So, for example, if you want to say "I used to hold onto my mom's hand when I was younger," you would say: "Me agarraba de la mano de mi mamá cuando era más joven."