how did europeans profited at the expense of African Americans during the era of the Atlantic slave trade?

Here is a good article about that:

European countries owned most of the American colonies that benefited from the trade, by facilitating agriculture in warm climates. European countries (espcially Portugal) also owned the African colonies from which most of the slaves were exported, and benefited ecnomically from their sale.

what is the former slave that traveled the contry to speak out against slavery

During the era of the Atlantic slave trade, Europeans exploited Africans for economic gain. Here's an explanation of how Europeans profited at the expense of African Americans:

1. Capturing and selling slaves: European traders, primarily from nations like Portugal, Spain, England, France, and the Netherlands, exploited existing conflicts in Africa to capture and enslave Africans. They sailed to the African coast with goods like textiles, beads, and firearms, which they traded for enslaved individuals.

2. Middle Passage: Enslaved Africans were transported across the Atlantic Ocean in what is known as the Middle Passage. Conditions onboard the slave ships were brutal, with overcrowding, unsanitary conditions, and harsh treatment leading to the death of many captives. The goal was to transport as many slaves as possible to maximize profits.

3. Plantation labor: The enslaved Africans were primarily sent to work on plantations in European colonies in the Americas, particularly in the Caribbean and Americas. These plantations focused on cash crops like sugar, tobacco, cotton, and coffee. Enslaved Africans provided the free labor necessary for plantation owners to amass great wealth.

4. Economic exploitation: Europeans established a system based on enslavement, racial hierarchy, and economic exploitation. The profits generated from the labor of enslaved Africans greatly contributed to Europe's economic growth during this period. Slave-produced goods were exported to Europe, where they were processed and sold, generating significant wealth for European merchants.

5. Triangular Trade: The Atlantic slave trade was a part of the broader Triangular Trade system. European traders would sail from Europe to Africa to purchase enslaved Africans, then transport them to the Americas (often referred to as the "Middle Passage"), and finally return to Europe with goods produced in the colonies. This trade network further enriched European nations.

6. Reinforcement of racial hierarchy: The Atlantic slave trade institutionalized and perpetuated a racial hierarchy in which Africans were dehumanized and seen as property. This mindset allowed Europeans to justify the exploitation and cruelty inflicted upon African Americans, ensuring the continuation of their subjugation.

It is essential to understand that the activities of Europeans during this era resulted in immense suffering for African Americans, as they were subjected to slavery, forced labor, severe violence, family separation, and loss of cultural identity.