What government imposed barriers stop or hinder the export of automobiles?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. In the early 1980's, due to pressure from U.S. competitors, the Japanese imposed a VER (Voluntary Export Restraint) on automobiles to the U.S.

nope, thts definately not the answer !


(hello mother )


To determine what government-imposed barriers may hinder the export of automobiles, we can follow a few steps:

1. Research Tariffs: Look into the tariffs imposed by various countries on automobile exports. Tariffs are taxes placed on imported or exported goods. Higher tariffs can make it more expensive to export automobiles, thereby inhibiting their trade.

2. Study Non-Tariff Barriers: Governments may impose non-tariff barriers, such as quotas, licensing requirements, or technical regulations. Quotas limit the quantity of automobiles that can be exported, while licensing requirements and technical regulations set certain criteria that must be met before exportation. These can be complicated and time-consuming processes, hampering the export of automobiles.

3. Investigate Trade Agreements: Analyze the trade agreements that a country has entered into. Free trade agreements (FTAs) can eliminate or reduce barriers to trade, including barriers to automobile exports. Conversely, countries without relevant FTAs may face higher barriers.

4. Understand Customs and Documentation: Familiarize yourself with the customs and documentation requirements for exporting automobiles. Customs procedures can vary from country to country, and compliance with these procedures is essential for smooth exports. Lack of understanding or adherence to these requirements can hinder exports.

5. Consider Currency Exchange Rates: Government policies related to currency exchange rates can impact the competitiveness of automobile exports. When a country's currency is overvalued or undervalued, it can affect the export prices of automobiles, potentially hindering their trade.

By researching and considering these factors, you can gain insights into the government-imposed barriers that can stop or hinder the export of automobiles in different countries.