A satellite moves in a stable circular orbit with speed Vo at a distance R from the center of a planet. For this satellite to move in a stable circular orbit a distance 2R from the center of the planet, the speed of the satellite must be??

I said that F=ma, but m doesn't matter since it's constant. So, a0=a1. a=v^2/r. So V1^2/2R = V0^2/R. I ended up with V1 = V0sqrt(2). But that's not the answer. All the multiple choice answers have sqrt's, 2's, and V0's scattered around, but none are what I have. What did I do wrong??

Keplers third law is a neat way to start

r^3=k T^2

but T= 2PR/V so

r^3=K1 (1/v)^2 where k1 is a constant.

V^2*r^3= K1

so if you double r, that must decrease Vo by sqrt (1/8)= 1/(2sqrt2)

check my thinking.

R = orbit radius

µ = gravitatinal constant of body = GM

Circular velocity at R = Vo = sqrt(µ/R)

Circular velocity at 2R = V1 = sqrt(µ/2R)

V1/Vo = sqrt(µ/2R)/sqrt(µ/R)

V1^2/Vo^2 = (µ/2R)/(µ/R) = R/2R = 1/2

V1/Vo = sqrt(1/2)

V1 = Vosqrt(1/2)

V1 = Vo(1/1.41421) = .7071Vo

You made a mistake in your calculation. Let's go through the problem again to find the correct answer.

In a circular orbit, the gravitational force acting on the satellite provides the necessary centripetal force to keep it in orbit. The gravitational force can be expressed as:

F = G * (m * M) / r^2

- F is the gravitational force
- G is the gravitational constant
- m is the mass of the satellite
- M is the mass of the planet
- r is the distance between the satellite and the center of the planet

Since the satellite is moving in a circular orbit, the gravitational force is equal to the centripetal force:

F = m * (v^2 / r)

- v is the velocity of the satellite

Setting the two equations equal to each other:

G * (m * M) / r^2 = m * (v^2 / r)

Canceling out the mass of the satellite:

G * M / r = v^2 / r


v^2 = G * M / r

Now, let's consider the new distance of 2R from the center of the planet. The velocity required for a stable circular orbit at this distance will be denoted as v1. Using the same reasoning as above, we can write:

v1^2 = G * M / (2R)

To find the relationship between v1 and v0, we can divide the second equation by the first:

v1^2 / v0^2 = (G * M / (2R)) / (G * M / r)


v1^2 / v0^2 = r / (2R)

v1^2 = (r / (2R)) * v0^2

v1^2 = v0^2 * (1/2)

Taking the square root of both sides:

v1 = v0 * sqrt(1/2)

So the correct answer is v1 = v0 * sqrt(1/2), which is equivalent to v1 ≈ 0.707 * v0.

It seems like you have applied the correct equation for finding the acceleration of an object in circular motion (a = v^2/r). However, there might be a mistake in your setup when equating the acceleration in the original orbit (a0) with the acceleration in the new orbit (a1).

Let's re-examine the problem and confirm the correct approach to find the speed of the satellite in the new orbit.

In circular motion, the gravitational force towards the center of the planet provides the necessary centripetal force to keep the satellite in orbit. Mathematically, we can express this relationship as:

F_gravity = F_centripetal

Using Newton's law of gravitation, we have:

G * (m_planet * m_satellite) / R^2 = (m_satellite * v^2) / R

In this equation, G represents the gravitational constant, m_planet is the mass of the planet, m_satellite is the mass of the satellite (which we can assume to be constant), R is the distance from the center of the planet to the satellite in the original orbit, and v is the speed of the satellite in the original orbit.

Rearranging the equation, we can solve for v:

v = sqrt(G * m_planet / R)

As you correctly mentioned, the mass of the satellite cancels out, so it does not affect the speed in this scenario.

Now, to find the speed of the satellite in the new orbit (2R from the center of the planet), we can substitute the new radius (2R) into the equation:

v_new = sqrt(G * m_planet / (2R))

Simplifying further, we get:

v_new = sqrt(G * m_planet) / sqrt(2R)

Therefore, the correct answer for the speed of the satellite in the new orbit is v_new = v_0 / sqrt(2), where v_0 is the speed of the satellite in the original orbit.

It seems like your initial analysis was correct, but you made a mistake in simplifying the equation. Keep in mind that the square root of 2 is an irrational number, so it is possible that the multiple-choice answers you have encountered involve approximations or simplifications of this expression.