What is the French of comma, period, question mark, etc...


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. If I forgot any punctuation you'd like, let us know!

1. comma = la virgule
2. period =le point (in grammar)
3. question mark = le point d'interrogation
4. exclamation mark = le point d'exclamation
5. semicolon = le point-virgule
6. colon = les deux points (grammar)
7. ampersand (&) = l'esperluète
8. parenthesis = la parenthèse
9. asterisk = l'astérisque
10. in quotes = entre guillemets
11. brackets = entre crochets
12. hyphen = le trait d'union
13. dash = le tiret
14. circumflex (ç) = le circonflexe

That's all I can think of for the moment!


Sure! In French, the translations for some common punctuation marks are as follows:

- Comma → Virgule
- Period → Point
- Question mark → Point d'interrogation
- Exclamation mark → Point d'exclamation
- Colon → Deux-points
- Semicolon → Point-virgule

To find translations for specific words or phrases, you can use various methods. One simple way is to use an online translator or dictionary. There are many reliable websites and apps available, such as Google Translate, Reverso, or Linguee, which can provide accurate translations.

To use online translation tools, you can simply type or paste the word or phrase you want to translate into the designated box. Then select the target language, in this case, French. Finally, click the 'Translate' button or hit 'Enter' on your keyboard to get the translation.

Keep in mind that while online translation tools are generally useful, they may not always provide the exact context or nuances of a word or phrase. For more precise translations, it is recommended to consult dictionaries or seek the help of a language expert or native speaker.