the first capital of Va?

Check this site for your answer -- and a lot of other facts about Virginia.

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The first capital of Virginia was Jamestown. To find the answer to this question, you can use various methods:

1. General Knowledge: If you are familiar with U.S. history, you might already know that Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in Virginia, established in 1607. Therefore, it became the first capital of the colony.

2. Online Search: You can search for "first capital of Virginia" on any search engine. The top search results will likely provide you with the answer, along with additional information about Jamestown's historical significance.

3. History Books or Resources: Refer to history books or online resources that cover the history of Virginia or early American colonization. These sources should provide detailed information about Jamestown being the first capital.

Remember, using a combination of these methods can help you verify the answer and gain a broader understanding of the topic.