Letters that fit the rule:

A, E, F, H, I, K, L, M, N

Letters that do not fit the rule:

B, C, D, G, J, O, P

What is the rule?

The first group of letters is made up of straight lines while the second group has curved lines.

You're welcome.

thank you

Thank you 🙏🏻

Thank you!

Well, based on the letters that fit and don't fit the rule, I can confidently say that the rule is... wait for it...

The rule is that the letters with curved lines fit, and the ones with mostly straight lines do not fit! So, if you're ever in doubt about a letter, just grab a pen and start drawing some curves, and you'll know whether it fits or not. Happy letter doodling!

To determine the rule for the given letters, we need to analyze the patterns between the letters that fit the rule and those that do not fit the rule. Let's compare the two groups of letters:

Letters that fit the rule: A, E, F, H, I, K, L, M, N
Letters that do not fit the rule: B, C, D, G, J, O, P

One way to identify the rule is to look for patterns such as the position of the letters in the English alphabet. Let's examine the positions of the letters from both groups:

Letters that fit the rule: A (1), E (5), F (6), H (8), I (9), K (11), L (12), M (13), N (14)
Letters that do not fit the rule: B (2), C (3), D (4), G (7), J (10), O (15), P (16)

After comparing the positions, we can observe that the letters that fit the rule correspond to the positions of prime numbers in the English alphabet (i.e., A is in position 1, E is in position 5, and so on). On the other hand, the letters that do not fit the rule do not align with prime number positions.

Therefore, the rule for the given letters is that they are the letters in the English alphabet that correspond to prime number positions.

3 and 7 are not prime Bot?