the framers of the constitution favored bicameralism because

a. two houses could block the acts of a single president
b. it allowed for fair and equal representation of he states at the national level
c. great britain had only one house of parliament
d. one house would spend more money than two

B. is correct. :-)

To understand why the framers of the Constitution favored bicameralism and how to arrive at the correct answer, we need to consider the reasons and context behind their decision.

Bicameralism refers to a legislative system with two separate chambers or houses. In the case of the United States, this refers to the Senate and the House of Representatives. The framers of the Constitution, who were responsible for drafting this document, had several considerations in mind when they opted for bicameralism.

Firstly, one of the main reasons was to ensure checks and balances within the government. By having two houses of Congress, each with its own specific powers and responsibilities, they aimed to prevent the concentration of power within a single authority. This reasoning behind favoring bicameralism aligns with answer choice A, which states that two houses could block the acts of a single president. By having two chambers, one could serve as a check on the other, ensuring a more balanced exercise of governmental power.

Additionally, the framers were also concerned with representing the various interests and populations of the states at the national level. This is in line with answer choice B, which states that bicameralism allowed for fair and equal representation of the states. The Senate, for example, has equal representation for each state (two senators per state), regardless of the state's population. On the other hand, the House of Representatives is proportionally based on the population of each state, ensuring a more accurate representation of the people's voices.

Answer choice C, stating that Great Britain had only one house of parliament, while historically accurate, does not directly explain why the framers favored bicameralism. It may, however, have influenced their decision to create a different system, as they were keen on differentiating the new American government from that of Great Britain.

Answer choice D, which suggests that one house would spend more money than two, is not directly related to the rationale behind favoring bicameralism. While the separation of powers and checks and balances inherent in bicameralism may indirectly help prevent excessive spending, this is not the primary reason for its adoption.

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer to the question is B: It allowed for fair and equal representation of the states at the national level.