Which was not a cause of agitation by the Parisiaan lower classes in the 18th century.

b.farming methods
d.free trade
e.feudal rents

i think it is D. Free trade

I agree. :-)

mmmm yup

To determine which option was not a cause of agitation by the Parisian lower classes in the 18th century, we can analyze each option and eliminate the one that does not belong.

a. Taxation: High levels of taxation were indeed a major cause of agitation for the lower classes in 18th-century Paris. The burden of heavy taxes led to economic hardship and discontent.

b. Farming methods: The agricultural methods used during this period were generally outdated and inefficient, which resulted in low agricultural yields. The poor productivity of the farming sector contributed to socio-economic problems faced by the lower classes, making this a likely cause of agitation.

c. Overpopulation: Overpopulation was a significant issue in Paris during the 18th century. The rapid growth in population led to increased competition for resources, limited job opportunities, and housing shortages. It is reasonable to assume that overpopulation would have caused agitation among the lower classes.

d. Free trade: Unlike the other options, free trade does not appear to be a cause of agitation for the Parisian lower classes in the 18th century. Free trade typically allows for more economic opportunities, lower prices, and increased access to goods. While there might have been specific industries adversely affected by free trade, it is unlikely that the lower classes would have been the primary agitators against it.

e. Feudal rents: During the 18th century, many lower-class Parisians were subjected to paying feudal rents to aristocratic landlords. This practice was highly resented, as it created a perpetual cycle of poverty and limited upward mobility for the lower classes.

Considering the analysis, it appears that option D, free trade, was not a cause of agitation by the Parisian lower classes in the 18th century.