In the area of public administration, which of the following is considered to be a reformer?

A. Franklin D Roosevelt
B. Dwight D Eisenhower
C. Gerald R Ford
D. Calvin Coolidge

Probably Roosevelt. Check your text.

In the area of public administration, Franklin D. Roosevelt is considered a reformer.

To determine which of the following individuals is considered to be a reformer in the area of public administration, we'll need to do some research on each person's background and involvement in implementing public administration reforms. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Start by conducting a general search on each person's name using a search engine like Google or Bing. This will provide you with information about their roles and achievements as political figures.

2. Look for specific reforms or policies associated with each person during their time in public service. This information can often be found in biographies, history books, or reputable online sources.

3. Pay attention to any significant government reforms they initiated, supported, or played a key role in implementing. This might include changes to administrative structures, policies, or procedures aimed at improving public administration.

4. Consider the lasting impact and historical consensus on their reform efforts. Look for scholarly articles or analyses from experts in the field of public administration, political science, or history to understand how each person's reform initiatives have been evaluated.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather enough information to determine which of the individuals – Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gerald R. Ford, or Calvin Coolidge – is considered a reformer in the area of public administration. Remember to critically evaluate your sources and consider a range of perspectives before forming your final conclusion.