graph the inequality y > -4

To graph the inequality y > -4, you can follow these steps:

1. Draw a horizontal number line representing the y-axis.
2. Mark a point on the number line at y = -4, and label it as a closed circle (●). This represents the boundary line.
3. Since the inequality is y > -4, the line should be dashed instead of solid to indicate that the points on the line itself are not included in the solution.
4. Shade the region above the line. This represents all the values of y that are greater than -4.

Here's a textual representation of the graph:

| ●---------------------------------------->
| -4

In this graph, all the values of y above the line are greater than -4.

Note: If the inequality is y ≥ -4, then you would use a solid line instead of a dashed line to indicate that the points on the line itself are included in the solution.