what does" Hitler began a violent propaganda campaign by press, radio, and platform against alleged misdeeds of the Austrian government" mean? why was Hitler using propaganda for in this context? was he try to expose a bad Austrian government?

Hitler wanted to rule Austria and was preparing to take it over as one step on controlling all of Europe.

so he was using this violent propaganda to make the Austrian government seem horrible so Austrians would want to create union and support him?

You've got it!

The statement "Hitler began a violent propaganda campaign by press, radio, and platform against alleged misdeeds of the Austrian government" means that Adolf Hitler initiated an aggressive and intense propaganda strategy through various means such as the press, radio, and public speaking platforms. The purpose of this campaign was not to expose a bad Austrian government, but rather to advance his own agenda and ideology.

Hitler utilized propaganda extensively throughout his political career, both in Austria and later in Germany. Propaganda is a method of communication that aims to shape public opinion and manipulate people's beliefs and behaviors. In this context, Hitler employed propaganda as a tool to promote his far-right nationalist ideology and gain support for his political movement.

By using propaganda, Hitler aimed to disseminate his views, generate public interest, and mobilize the masses. His campaign targeted alleged misdeeds of the Austrian government, highlighting issues and grievances within society in order to create a sense of dissatisfaction and discontent. Through his propaganda, Hitler tried to convince people that he had the solutions to these problems and that his movement was the way forward.

It is important to note that Hitler's propaganda was often based on misinformation, distortion, and manipulation of facts. His ultimate goal was to consolidate power, undermine democratic institutions, and ultimately establish a Nazi regime. Therefore, while Hitler's campaign may have focused on criticizing some aspects of the Austrian government, his broader intent was to promote his own extremist ideology and advance his political ambitions.