Describe the ways each individual was/is worshipped .

Explain how their messages are being carried out in the world today.

To which individuals are you referring?

jesus and mohammed

We've posted several web sites on Christianity and Islam for you. I suggest you go to Wikipedia and look up each religion to answer this question.

To describe the ways in which each individual was or is worshipped, it would be helpful to specify the individuals you are referring to. However, I can provide you with a general approach on how to research and find information about how different people were or are worshipped.

1. Identify the individuals: Make a list of the specific individuals you want to know about their worship practices. This could be religious leaders, historical figures, or influential personalities.

2. Research religious practices: Look for information about the religious or cultural context in which these individuals were worshipped. Different religions and cultures have unique ways of expressing devotion and reverence. Some common forms of worship include prayers, rituals, ceremonies, offerings, pilgrimages, or building dedicated places of worship.

3. Consult religious texts and scriptures: If these individuals are associated with a specific religion, consult the holy texts or scriptures related to that religion. These sources often contain information about how people worshipped or continue to worship these individuals.

4. Study historical accounts and literature: Analyze historical accounts, biographies, or other relevant literature to understand how worshippers engaged with these individuals. Look for writings or descriptions of acts of reverence, devotion, or rituals associated with them.

Regarding how their messages are being carried out in the world today, it depends on the teachings and beliefs of each individual. Here's an approach to understand how their messages are being carried out:

1. Identify the messages: Determine the core teachings or messages associated with each individual. This could include philosophical ideas, moral principles, social or political ideologies, or spiritual teachings.

2. Study their followers or followers' organizations: Investigate the organizations or communities that have formed around these individuals' teachings. Look for groups, institutions, or religious communities that actively promote and practice their ideals.

3. Examine literature and speeches: Read books, articles, or listen to speeches or recordings by followers or representatives of these individuals. This can provide insights into how their messages are being interpreted and applied in the world today.

4. Observe their impact: Pay attention to any visible influence these individuals' messages have had on society, such as the establishment of social movements, the adoption of certain values or practices, or the creation of charitable organizations based on their teachings.

Remember that the specific ways an individual is worshipped or how their messages are carried out vary based on cultural, religious, and historical factors. Conducting thorough research using these guidelines can help you gain a deeper understanding of each individual's worship practices and impact on the world.