Relate a current environmental problem with possible causes

Your turn, Dawn! What current environmental problem do you see? What are its causes?

My eyes burn when I go to Houston. The water is not clear from the faucet. Driving into Houston on I45, the view is akin to South Los Angeles. I wonder if there are causes?

A current environmental problem that is widely recognized is climate change. Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperature and weather patterns on Earth. There are several possible causes of climate change, including:

1. Greenhouse gas emissions: The primary cause of climate change is the excessive release of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun and contribute to the warming of the planet. Activities like burning fossil fuels for energy, deforestation, and industrial processes are major sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Deforestation: The clearing of forests for agriculture, logging, and urbanization contributes to climate change. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis, acting as a natural carbon sink. When forests are destroyed, the stored carbon is released back into the atmosphere, adding to the greenhouse effect.

3. Industrial activities: Various human industries produce greenhouse gases and other pollutants that contribute to climate change. The manufacturing sector, power generation from coal, oil, and natural gas, and the transportation sector are significant sources of emissions.

4. Agriculture: Certain agricultural practices, particularly intensive livestock farming and rice cultivation, release methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Additionally, the use of synthetic fertilizers in farming can release nitrous oxide, another significant contributor to global warming.

5. Waste management: Improper waste disposal, especially in landfills, leads to the production of methane gas as organic materials decompose. Waste management systems with inadequate recycling and waste-to-energy infrastructure can exacerbate the release of greenhouse gases.

These are just a few examples of the possible causes related to climate change. It is important to note that climate change is a complex issue influenced by various interconnected factors and requires a multifaceted approach to address and mitigate its impacts.