Before writing my paper I need a theme.Can omeone give me some ideas.I havent had a project like this since sixth grade and now I am a freshmen in highschool.

What is your paper about? What history are you studying? Please give us more information, and we'll be glad to help you decide on a theme.

My paper has do with the effects of the survivors of the Holocaust.I have to have enough Information for 5 pages.

A theme could be courage or perseverance or survival or hope.

Take one of those (or another theme) and relate it to the experiences of the Holocaust survivors.

thank you very much for the information.

You're very welcome.

Of course! Coming up with a theme for your paper can be both exciting and challenging. To begin, think about subjects or issues that interest you the most. Here are a few brainstorming techniques and sources to help you generate ideas:

1. Personal experiences and interests: Consider topics you are passionate about or experiences that have had a significant impact on your life. This could include hobbies, community involvement, or personal reflections.

2. Current events and news: Pay attention to what's happening in the world around you. Explore newspapers, magazines, or online news platforms to find trending topics, debates, or controversies that you find intriguing.

3. Research databases and libraries: Access online research databases, such as JSTOR or Google Scholar, to explore academic articles and publications related to various fields of study. Libraries are also excellent resources for finding books and scholarly journals on a wide range of topics.

4. Discussion with classmates or teachers: Engage in conversations with your classmates or teachers to gather inspiration. They may have interesting suggestions or be willing to share their own paper topics.

5. Social media platforms and online forums: Look for communities or groups discussing topics of interest on platforms like Reddit, Quora, or Twitter. Engaging in online discussions can help you discover new ideas or perspectives.

6. Brainstorming exercises: Consider using brainstorming techniques like mind mapping or free writing. These exercises encourage you to jot down any ideas that come to mind without judgment, allowing you to explore different themes.

Remember that your theme should be something you are genuinely interested in, as it will motivate you throughout the research and writing process. Good luck!